Monday, March 12, 2012

Not Feeling Well :-(

Just a quick post to apologize for not being here for a few weeks, but I haven't been feeling well. It's either a reaction to a medication or some sort of cold or flu, or a combination of both and I've been totally wiped out.

However, we had a few blessed days of sunshine and slightly warmer temperatures last week and I did manage to get out and take some pictures of the Pink Trees that have started to bloom in my neighborhood. I've been looking forward to this all winter!!!

No screen shots today. I made some basic edits in Adobe Camera Raw and opened the photo in Photoshop as a Smart Object. In fact, I just watched this video from Dave Cross today on Kelby TV, about using ACR and Smart Objects. I made a couple more adjustments in Photoshop, Hue/Saturation and Levels, and added one layer of February Magic Edges from Kim Klassen

I have a couple of doctor's appointments this week and hope to be feeling better soon! There will be Pink Trees in profusion over the next few weeks and I don't want to miss a single one :-)

Hope you all are well!


...C o w R o a d... said...

I just happened to notice this afternoon that I hadn't heard from you for over 5 weeks! So sorry to hear you have not been doing well. Hopefully your doctor will concoct something more balanced for you...
What a lovely picture by the way! :-) And of your favorite trees no less!

Pink Tree Studio said...

Thanks for checking in, Marjan! I can't believe it's been five weeks!!! I've been lurking on your blog, just not commenting :-( Will you forgive me? :-)

Kia said...

Ciao Elaine, so sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well! :( I thought you were busy enjoying spring! Take good care of yourself and get well ASAP! :)
Love these pink blooms, I can't wait for ours to open! :)
Beautiful texture work too, I like the soft edges.

Dawne Boynton Polis said...

Aw, Elaine, I hate to hear that you're not feeling well! Especially during Pink Tree season!! I pray that the MDs gets you back up and runnin' and that you get to enjoy this beautiful spring in all its glory. Thanks for your great emails. I will be hoping that you can make it to Paris by Some Miracle!!!! And this is a gorgeous shot, beautifully processed!

Pink Tree Studio said...

Thanks, Kia!

Well, as is typical in Portland, the weather has done a total about face. Today, It's cold and gray-ish with talk of snow!!!

I hope you will take some photos of your Pink Trees, so I can see them!

Pink Tree Studio said...

Thanks, Dawne!

Never fear, not feeling well will not deter me from my Pink Tree Project :-) I just made that up :-)

I'm going to my endocrinologist tomorrow. Might need an adjustment in my thyroid.

I truly believe in Miracles and it is definitely going to take one for me to go to Paris this year, like winning the lottery :-)

Deanna said...

Oh you are not supposed to be sick in the Springtime...hope you are feeling better soon so you can enjoy those beautiful pink trees!!

Pink Tree Studio said...

Thank you, Deanna! I definitely don't want to miss a single bloom :-)

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, I'm so sorry you haven't been feeling well. The pink flowers are so pretty. Take care of yourself, my sweet friend.
~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

Pink Tree Studio said...

Thank you so much, Sheri!

Lisa said...

Im so sorry to hear you have been ill also. My sister was so sick when here a few days she had me scared. Glad your back. Take your time.
Love your image. Striking and stunning.

Stay well and rest.

Pink Tree Studio said...

Thank you, Lisa! I hope your sister is better!

Unknown said...

Hi Elaine,

I’m so sorry that you have not been feeling well; I hope that you feel better soon. Glad that you were able to get out and take some photos – this one is a beautiful!

Take care!

Unknown said...

It would think that those gorgeous pink trees would make you feel so much better. We have long way to go until we get pink blooming here. I hope the flue or what ever will go away so you can enjoy the spring fully.

Pink Tree Studio said...

Thank you so much, Sheila!

Pink Tree Studio said...

Thank you so much, Henrietta! The Pink Trees make me smile when I see them, but it's still very chilly here and we've been having snowflakes in March! That's unusual for Portland, Oregon.

I went to my doctor on Monday and found out that I have sinus infection. I started taking anti-biotics and am already feeling better, thank goodness!

I will be looking forward to seeing your photos Spring from your corner of the world :~)

Ivy Long, Edera Jewelry said...

Sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well, Elaine :( Hope you're doing better. That is a beautiful photo! xo

Pink Tree Studio said...

Thank you, Ivy!

Chocolate in Fashion said...


Pink Tree Studio said...

Thank you, Chocolate in Fashion!

I wanted to be a fashion designer when I was in high school and worked in the industry for a brief time in the late 1980s in Los Angeles. Now I just like to be comfortable and eat chocolate :~)

Charlotte Wilson said...

So sorry you have been under the weather. I did notice that you have not posted in awhile as I have you on my sidebar to check when you have something new. :o)
Love your pink blossoms!
Hope you get back in the "pink' of health soon!


Pink Tree Studio said...

That is so sweet, Charlotte~~thank you! I'm honored that you added my blog to your sidebar!

I hope to have a new post finished this week :~)

Lisa Gordon said...

Just gorgeous, and I love the frame!

Pink Tree Studio said...

Thank you, Lisa! Magic Edges is one of my favorite KK frames :-)