Monday, September 12, 2011

Welcome to Pink Tree Studio!

I don't have a Grand Plan for my blog. I'm just thinking of posting more of my photos, especially those I've processed in Photoshop. I'm thinking that a blog might be a better place to go into detail about how I edited a photo, rather than on Flickr...or maybe both. We shall see :-)

I also want to share some of the resources that have helped me learn about Photoshop over the past two years. I have wanted to learn more about Photoshop for almost twenty years, ever since I worked as an entry level graphic production artist in the early nineties.

There are so many generous souls out there who are sharing their knowledge about every subject in the world, so I hope to acknowledge some of those who have helped me realize my dream of learning age 61 :-)

That's all I have to say right now, except that I do take photographs of things besides Pink Trees :-)

P.S. As I am a new blogger, I would welcome any comments or suggestions you might have! Such there a way to delete the gray border around my "signature"?


jennifer said...

yay! so excited that you've decided to start blogging and sharing your beautiful images and thoughts with the world on a bigger scale! the blog world is pretty awesome, and you'll be such a wonderful asset to it! best of luck and i can't wait to see what you post next! xoxo

Lora Hart said...

The gray border around an image or photograph is a function of Bloggers graphics. I don't know if there's any way to get rid of it, but will be interested in what other blog experts say.

You might want to include a link list on the right or left hand column that would lead to your favorite Photoshop sites or articles.

Congratulations on getting the blog up and running!! Very proud of you. ;D Can't wait to see what you share (although I probably won't have the time or inclination to try any of your suggestions out).

Ansley Bleu said...

Super pretty site! Enjoy!

Evelyn S. said...

Nice start, Elaine! I'll enjoy checking in on you...and the other side of the and then!

Viv@Thoughts from the Desktop said...

Thanks for linking to me and congratulations for dipping your toe into the blogging world x

Pat Mark said...

Thought I posted a comment guess I hit the wrong button. Nice looking blog and welcome. I love blogging but don't know a lot about setting mine up. I like you header, how do you do a custom one?

Lari Washburn said...


hootnonny said...

Your blog looks so professional! I'm still striving for that with mine!

My blog has so much space between my banner and the post and I can't figure out how to change that! Looks like you figured that out already!

sandy said...

Welcome to the blogging world Elaine, you will love it. I love the name you picked.

I googled "how to get rid of borders around signatures in blogspot and came up with all these links, hopefully they will help you:

Pink Tree Studio said...

Wow! Six Friends~~thank you all!!!

xo, Elaine

sandy said...

Hi Elaine, Hello again, I received your kind email and you asked me if I had a website, yes I do, and usually if you click on our names it will lead you to our sites whenever you get to feeling better.
Which I hope is soon! Have a wonderful week-end!